5 ways to Combat Menopause Hair Loss and Thinning


If you are reading this, you are probably interested in, about to go through or currently going through the menopause..

"The average age of the menopause is around fifty and in the months or years leading up to this, some women notice a change in hair pattern.

Very commonly, the volume and condition of the hair appears to worsen, with some women noticing that hair does not grow as much as previously.

More hair seems to come out  when washing and hair brushes soon fill up as loose hairs are brushed away.

Some women will go on to experience a more profound hair loss, with thinning at the crown of the head, the sides or more general hair thinning all over the head - This is described as Female pattern hair loss (FPHL).

"A complete loss of hair, as seen in men who sometimes go bald, is much rarer in women and is usually caused by a medical condition or by medical treatment such as chemotherapy.  "

                                                                              - Womens Health Concern

So, if your hair is thinning or falling out and you are not sure how to slow it down or stop, you are in the right place.

In this post, I will try to address why it is happening and how to combat it successfully.

Always remember - The menopause is a normal part of the life cycle and does not last forever. You will get through it and come out on the other side.

What is responsible for hair loss and thinning ?

In brief, hormonal fluctuations are responsible for hair loss and thinning during perimenopause and menopause.

Do you perhaps remember being pregnant and having awesome, full, strong long hair and the pregnancy glow ?  This is because of Estrogen and Progesterone hormones.

Estrogen and progesterone are the chief pregnancy hormones and they keep your hair in the growth phase, making it grow faster and stay on the head longer.

Science bit - Did you know you produced more estrogen during one pregnancy than throughout your entire life when not pregnant

Estrogen and progesterone keep the hair in the growing phase,

When your estrogen and progesterone levels deplete, it results in slower hair growth  and any hair loss becomes more pronounced.


How Can You Combat Menopause Hair Loss and Thinning

1. Diet

Eating a proper well-balanced diet is important during every phase of life but especially during menopause. In addition to a healthy diet, consider supplements like Iron.

An iron deficiency can often be the cause of hair loss and therefore during menopause it is essential to consume enough iron in your diet. This will help to ensure healthy hair and contributes to increased blood flow to the scalp and therefore improved maintenance of your hair follicles. 

2. Exercising - especially strength exercise

It is so important to take up and live a healthier lifestyle during the menopause - as your health is improved, you’re well being is maintained during your menopausal phase.

3. Hydration

You have heard this many time before but it is critical.

  • Your skin and hair become dry and thin during menopause, so staying hydrated is key.
  • Water flushes out toxins to leave your inside as clean as possible.

4 Stress 

I am not one to preach on this, but stress causes so much damage

  • low estrogen levels which may lead to menopausal hair loss;
  • depression; and
  • anxiety.

5. Go Easy on your hair 


CurlyEllie Intense ShampooYou can improve how your hair looks by:
  • Avoiding heat damaging tools like straighteners, hair dryers.
  • Avoiding styles that involve pulling/twisting hair.
  • Gentle Shampoos, Conditioners and Stylers to improve your hairs appearance and nourish your hair from the outside in.

Most importantly, if you are worried or the loss / thinning is excessive, see your doctor.  Hair loss / thinning may be a sign of a more serious medical condition .

Better safe than sorry!



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